• Acme

    3597 Bunker Hill RdWilliamsburgMI 49690
    (231) 938-2021
  • Chums Corner

    4106 US 31 SouthTraverse CityMI 49685
    (231) 943-8288
  • Kalkaska

    902 N Cedar StKalkaskaMichigan 49646
    (231) 564-6200
  • W Front St

    734 W Front StTraverse CityMI 49684
    (231) 946-2140

Serving the Traverse City area since 1954.


Keurig thumbnail Locations: Chums Corner, W Front St

How it Works

K-Cup machines are all designed to quickly brew a single cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or other hot beverages. he grounds (or other brew material) are supplied in a prepared, single-serving unit, called a “K-Cup”. Once the machine has warmed up, the user inserts a K-Cup into the machine, places a mug under the spout, and invokes the brew feature; within 20 to 60 seconds, the beverage is ready. By omitting the K-Cup, users can also dispense a mug of hot water, which can then be used for instant soup or other hot drinks not available in the K-Cup form.

Keurig machines brew coffee or tea by piercing the foil seal on top of the plastic K-Cup with a spray nozzle, while simultaneously piercing the bottom of the K-cup with a discharge nozzle. Grounds contained inside the K-cup sit within a paper filter. A measured quantity of hot water is forced through the K-Cup, passing through the grounds and through the filter into the waiting cup or mug below. A brewing temperature of 192 degrees Fahrenheit (89 Celsius) is the default setting, with some models permitting users to reduce the temperature somewhat, per preference.

K Cups

Over 200 varieties of K-Cup Portion packs from 18 of the world’s finest brands. Explore coffees from the most prominent growing regions around the world. Experience custom blends, Fair Trade, organic varieties, and flavored coffees. Or expand your palate with our variety of teas, hot cocoas, or iced beverages. Your choices with Keurig are truly endless. You can keep as many varieties as you like on hand, so everyone can brew what they love. Take some time to explore all the choices that Keurig has to offer.

In addition to prepackaged filters, Keurig also produces a reusable filter called the My-K Cup, which allows conventional ground coffee to be used. The My K-Cup is an environmentally friendly alternative to disposable K-Cups, but compatible only with home brewer models; it also allows the use of coffees not available in K-cup form, which can drastically reduce both the expense and waste of K-cups. In addition, some companies have created lids allowing users to reuse spent K-cups.